
Apple says that the battery hit is very slight

Apple says oakley sunglasses for men that the battery hit is very slight. But if you’re concerned, you can tell Power Nap not to kick in except when the laptop is plugged in. Awesome. Worth $11. Messages, the former iChat chat program, has been enhanced to handle iMessages, which are basically Internet-borne text messages that cost you nothing. Whenever you converse with fellow iCloud members — whether they’re on Macs, iPhones or iPads — the conversation appears simultaneously on all of your gadgets (and theirs). Start a chat on your phone when you’re out and about, and you’ll find its transcript in progress in Messages on your oakley radar sunglasses Mac. It’s freaky, somewhat confusing, but worth $3.35. AirPlay mirroring requires an Apple TV ($100), but lets you perform a real miracle: With one click, you can send whatever is on your Mac’s screen — sound and picture — to your TV. Wirelessly. AirPlay, already on iPhones and iPads, is even more useful on the Mac. You can send photo slide shows to the big screen. Or present lessons to a class. Or play online videos, including services like Hulu that aren’t available on the Apple TV alone. And for boardroom PowerPoint pitches, you can cheap sunglasses carry the tiny Apple TV instead of a $1,500 projector. A great feature, worth $12.87 — probably more to frequent PowerPointers. Not everything is a step forward, however. Apple has tried to refine last-year’s baffling AutoSave feature. It has restored the “Save As” and “Revert to Save” functions; alas, the result is almost more confusing than before. Worse, only a few programs incorporate this system — so you’re stuck with having to learn two ways to save files. Subtract buy cheap oakley sunglasses online $3.25.

