Specifically, the survey showed that daily pain is experienced by 44.1 percent of people with a BMI of 40 or higher, 34.7 percent of people with a BMI between 35 and 40 and 27.7 gucci outlet percent of people with a BMI of 30 to 35. (Obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or more.)
Nearly 22 percent of people who are overweight (with a BMI of 25 to 29) experience daily pain, and 18.9 percent of people who are underweight or normal weight (BMI less than 25) experience daily pain, according to the survey.
Researchers found that women were more likely to report having daily pain than men, with 49.1 percent of women with a BMI of 40 or above saying they had daily pain, compared with 38.8 percent of men. Results of the survey were published recently in the journal Obesity.
Researchers found that even after accounting for diseases that may cause daily pain, the link between pain and obesity still held true. They offered up several possible reasons: inflammation and pain are linked with processes that are triggered by excess fat in the body; and a reverse link, that painful conditions like arthritis may cause someone to not exercise as much, thereby resulting in the weight gain contributing to obesity.
Manuse's proposal, which is co-sponsored by House Speaker Bill O'Brien (R-Mont Vernon), did not surprise legislative Democrats who are planning a floor fight to stop the bill. Senate Minority Leader Sylvia Larsen (D-Concord) said that Manuse had stated his desire to repeal the provision, but they were surprised with the bill he choose. Larsen said the original law passed a Republican-controlled legislature before being signed by then Gov. Jeanne Shaheen (D).
"He's tacked it on to a deadwood bill," Larsen told HuffPost. "It was meant to be an uncontroversial housekeeping bill. Now it's a nightmare bill." Gucci ring for women, cheap gucci gold rings sale 2012.
Larsen said that O'Brien has already ruled the amendment -- which will be heard by a state House committee later this week -- as germaine. The "obsolete and outdated" bill that would be amended contains repeals of a variety of laws that state officials have deemed ready to take off the books. Among the two dozen measures contained in the bill are the repeal of laws relating to the training of campus security officers, a report on school accounting standards, a certificate of need for a Strafford County nursing home and the retirement age of probate court judges. No contraception or abortion related legislation is in the bill.
Manuse and O'Brien's spokeswoman did not return calls for comment.
Kevin Donovan, a spokesman for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester, told HuffPost that the diocese did not have a position on the amendment but confirmed that an attorney who worked with the diocese did provide advice to Manuse on the drafting of the amendment. He said the advice was limited to providing wording from a similar proposal in Missouri.
The amendment comes the same week that the Tea Party-controlled New Hampshire House passed a resolution calling on the Obama Administration to repeal the federal birth control requirement for religious organizations. Gucci bangle cheap sale, buy designer gucci gold and silver bangles. The resolution's passage came after a committee hearing where one Republican lawmaker said that birth control causes prostate cancer and another GOP lawmaker said that married couples should practice abstinence except when they want to conceive.