
That's news to some Peregrine clients

JPMorgan, the ray ban wayfarer country's biggest bank, held customer accounts for Peregrine, doing business as PFGBest. But in alleging that Peregrine took customer money, the National Futures Association and Commodity Futures Trading Commission have claimed that customer money is missing not from a JPMorgan account, but from a U.S. Bank account. That's news to some Peregrine clients. "All of my clients thought the oakley sunglasses fashion outlet 1578 money was at JPMorgan," said Mark Sackoor, managing director at Abaco Futures in Boynton Beach, Fla. Sackoor was an "introducing broker" for PFG, connecting individual clients with the firm, which held their money. Brokerage firms like PFG are required under federal regulations to disclose the name of the bank that holds segregated customer accounts, and JPMorgan was the only bank named in that capacity on the PFG Web site. If you were a client who wanted to send money to PFG, its Web site directed you -- and still does -- to wire the money ray ban sunglasses best for men 2183 to a JPMorgan account called the "PFG Inc. Customer Segregated Funds Account."

